Monday, March 16, 2015

The Semester 7

Jared: Hey, Jean, I got an A in my Advanced Math class!
Jean: That's great, Jared!

Jean: So, what's your overall GPA so far?
Jared: Hang on, I'll go get my calculator.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Semester 6

Mike: (Typing) I am hard working: I have built a whole farming village in Minecraft. I work well with people because I have 100 friends on Xbox Live.
Mike: (Typing) I am persistent, seeing as I didn't give up on that really hard boss in Halo 4, and I work well under stress since I've played Sonic '06.
Jason: I think you need a skill outside of gaming.
Mike: What are you talking about? This is a very well rounded resume.