Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Pink fur 7

Monty: Okay, you're right, Rachel. I can't keep living like this.
Monty: I must live my life, despite my fears. I must conquer them. I must do something
Rachel: That's the spirit, Monty.
Rachel: Wait! Where are you going?
Monty: Out! To do something!
Barber Shop Owner: Sorry. I don't think we can dye your whole body purple.
Monty: Aw, man. Can I at least have a drink from those sinks?

Pink fur 6

Monty: Man, I've been here a long time.
Monty: I know it's only been a few hours, but it feels more like almost three years.
Monty: It's almost like some person was doing a comic series then got too lazy and busy to finish it.
Monty: I don't have much to think about, do I?