Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Yigafoo: Just Checkin' up 2

Mom: Honey, I know you're scared, but could you sit up? You're kind of causing a scene.
Monty: Really? I always just assume they're staring at me.

The Yigafoo: Just Checkin Up

Monty: Karl? What are you doing up here?
Karl: The kid snuck into my house. I got scared and ran out.
Monty: Rachel? Why are you down there? I thought you were scared of Karl?
Rachel: Monty, I’m hiding from somethin worse than any monster! It’s a fate so terrible, I can’t even speak of it!
Monty: So, what time is Rachel’s doctors appointment?
Mom: How’d you know about that?

The Yigafoo: Comic Relief

One of the images based on